Your stay in this living space will be covered by our StayProtection package with Stay Benefits included! Read more
The tenant can expect a warm welcome upon arrival at the accommodation, with a quick breakfast and a self-prepared coffee&tea to get them started for the day. The welcome package will also include information on the local area and city.
50 Mbps
5 Mbps
Every time you rent through Flatio, you're automatically covered by our StayProtection package.
By booking this living space, you'll also enjoy extended protection in the form of Stay Benefits - a unique offering backed by AXA! Here's what such packaging includes:
Katarína usually responds to messages within 14 hours .
Once you send a booking request, the host is notified that you are interested in their listing. From that moment, they have 24 hours to approve or reject your booking.
Hosts are mainly interested in the profile of their guest. Do not forget to fill in all necessary information, add your profile picture, or even make a short video about yourself. Doing that will make you more attractive for the owner and your booking will more likely get approved.
You can take a look at the contract in advance and online with every listing. After you sign it, you will find it in the application My Housing.
While arranging a contract on Flatio, you do not have to worry that it could be disadvantageous for you. Our contracts are made so that we avoid all problems! All of them are the same, used by all the hosts on Flatio.
Your time is precious. That's why we've added a virtual tour option to our platform so you can see some of the rentals listed on Flatio from the comfort of your own home.
If a virtual tour isn't available for the accommodation you've chosen, you can contact the host and ask them if they're willing to give you a personal tour of the rental unit.
In the event that you move in and the rented accommodation doesn't match the information on Flatio, let us know as soon as possible!
If the conditions for the withdrawal are met and the host can't fix the issue immediately, you have the option to withdraw from the lease agreement with a full refund. We'll also actively help you find an alternative accommodation and remain by your side until everything is fully resolved.
You can read the conditions and all details about our Move-in Guarantee in this article of our Help Center.
How you can cancel a booking varies depending on what stage the booking is in.
Is your booking request still waiting for host approval? Then you can simply cancel it directly from your My Housing web app!
However, suppose the owner has already approved your booking request, and you are no longer interested in it. In that case, you can still cancel the booking before you sign the lease agreement. Just consider that you should do this only in essential cases. Because when the host accepts your booking, the living space is stopped being advertised, and they can lose the chance to rent their property to someone else.
Do you have an approved booking and also a valid agreement? In order to cancel your booking, contact Flatio customer support well in advance of your contract beginning (the specific time and amount of refund depends on the type of cancelation policy).
What will you get?
Tips for traveling as a digital nomad
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Special listings for special prices - only for registered people!
Největší úspěch sklidila terasa, tam se nám moc líbilo.
Zařízení bytu bylo vyhovující a dostačující.
Výhoda ubytování byla blízká vzdálenost od metra Budějovická a Kačerov, také obchody- Lidl, Billa a restaurace.
Jako sportovní výkon bylo pro celou rodinu vyjít do 4 patra bez výtahu, ale každý den 1x- 2x jsme to dali, proto jsme si dobře rozmysleli co budeme kupovat.
Majitele i tento pronájem mohu všem doporučit. Předání klíčů na začátku pronájmu i na konci pobytu proběhlo dobře
Byt se nachází ve 4 patře bez výtahu v ulici Počátecká.
Ulice Počátecká je 5 minut od metra Budějovická ve starší zástavbě.
V blízkosti ulice Počátecká je několik restaurací a hospod.
u metra Budějovická je kompex obchodů - Billa, restaurace, lekárna, Penny atd a stanice metra Budějovická. Na druhou stranu od ulice dolu z kopečka je stanice metra Kačerov
restaurace Pragos, v blízkosti ulice Počátecká , ovocný Světozor za rohem ulice Počátecké
Very quiet, easy to get around. Beautiful ans very green.
We mainly went into the city for food and drink due to the language barrier in the bars and restaurants around the flat.
Dopravni uzel, rada restauraci, kavarna/cukrarna Ovocny Svetozor hned za rohem. kousek pekne obchodni centrum DBK. Trochu potiz je parkovani, da se najit misto ve fialove zone nebo nechat auto dal a dojet metrem. Primo pred domem prakticky nemozne zastavit, modra zona a casto plna.